MIRz - a family of IR receivers Z-TRON compatibles
You have a Z tron transmitter? Unfourtunatly they are not manufactured
any more.
But if you have one, use it to control your 10 gram plane with a MIR3z or MIR5z
MIR3z handles two birds and one propeller motor (20 Ohm
internal resistance to control the bird actuators).
MIR5z handles 3 birds or 3 bidirectionnal 0.5A motors.
MIR5az and MIR5bz handle 2 birds and two unidirectional
MIR is a family of ultralight, low power multichannel ESC (electronic
speed control) circuits optimized for the single-cell Li-Poly accumulators.
They decode the infrared signal received by a 0.3g sensor.
Sergio Zigras has for several years proposed IR transmitters and receivers.
He has stopped this business now. For those having a Z-Tron transmitter,
the MIR-z receiver permits you to equipe new planes and do new applications,
like bi-motor and 3-propeller blimps.
MIR3z (0.63g+0.3g) can control one propeller motor (up
to 1 Amp) and two low power BIRD actuators. Internal resistance
is about 20 Ohm at 3.5V (see Mir3 documentation
for details)
MIR3z is optimized for ultralight slow flyers; it costs
90 CHF, ca 60 USD including two IR receivers and a set of ultralight
MIR5z (0.6g+0.3g) can control one or two propeller motors
(up to 1 Amp each) or three low resistance BIRDs. It can also control
three Birds or bidirectionnal propeller motors. In addition to the
proportional PWM control, 3 outputs provide 1-2 ms signals to control
a servo or more powerful ESC circuit.
MIR5az and MIR5bz have slightly different functionnalities to match
the different applications (see Mir5 documentation
for details).
MIR5z can be used on larger slowflyers and on miniature three propeller
blimps;they costs 112 CHF, ca 75 USD.
MIR5z installed on a 10 gram plane. |
What you get
for 60 Euros
Analysis of the Ztron transmitter and
Z TRON 3-channel transmitter
Excellent distance.
1-2ms pulses are a little short (1 to 1.9ms)
Battery 1.0 to 3V, DC converter to 5V for the PIC, IR receiver
and propeller transistor.
PWM on the actuators does not go up to 100% with the 3-channel
transmitter we tested: 80% on one side, 55% on the other side.
The thrust is correct, going from 0% to 100%.
Actuators are connected on single PIC pins, that is an internal
resistance of 95 Ohm: a 150 Ohm actuator will get 3.2V instead of
A 75 Ohm actuator will get 2.2V instead of 5V.
Z TRON 2-channel transmitter
Simple and good
Z TRON 2-channel receiver proportional
Min voltage is 3.6V, too low for a discharged or heavy loaded
LiPoly cell.
Z TRON 2-channel receiver actuator type
At 3.8V, the internal resistance of the PIC output pair is in
the range of 120 Ohm, higher than at 5V.